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Asthalin, the asthma-centric arsenal from Cipla, wields a formidable array of inhalation therapies. The flagship asthalin inhaler, a metered-dose marvel, precision-delivers albuterol's bronchodilating prowess in 100 mcg increments, granting swift respite to constricted airways. Its spray counterpart proffers an on-the-go solution for acute flare-ups. The asthalin nebulizer solution enables continuous nebulized administration for those requiring prolonged therapy. Venturing into the HFA (hydrofluoroalkane) propellant realm, the asthalin HFA inhaler ushers in an eco-conscious era of inhalation. While its USA availability remains uncertain, India embraces this comprehensive line as a vanguard in asthma management. With precision dosing and diverse formulations, Cipla's asthalin offerings stand as a beacon of hope, empowering asthmatics to breathe easier, one inhalation at a time.
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Name Bronchospasm Asthma
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Date Registered ‎05-30-2024 12:58 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-30-2024 04:30 PM
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